WEAK LEFT DRIVE MOTOR. Mower operates as it should, although left motor is very weak. When I got out of lawn care and got into tree care I was using this to tow a stump grinder around on jobs. Got a little stuck one day, ran a rope thru the tires, it got caught on the shaft, started leaking and hasn’t ran up until about a week ago. Got a seal kit for the drive motor and it stopped the leak but it’s just weak. Will probably need new hydro pump. I’m done messing with it. As u can see the frame up front is a little beat up from moving the stump grinder around, serial plate got snagged when it popped off the hitch there and came off, serial is 270000531. Comes with flat free tires and only 186.2 hours on mower. 7k or best offer. Open to some trades, but not a downgrade trade.