Tag Archives: lp36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak LP36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak LP36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak LP36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak LP36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak LP36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak LP36265

John Deere Grass Groomer-48/54/60 HC-EZ/ZTrak – LP36265. Compatible Models with 48″/54″/60 Edge High Capacity Decks – Z535R, Z540R, Z445, Z625, Z645, Z655, Z665. Grass GroomersT: The Professional Lawn-Striping Solution Contrasting striping patterns in a lawn can easily enhance the appearance of a home or business. If you’re in search of an even more professional-looking lawn, Grass Groomers are the perfect solution. Grass Groomers use bristles to gently bend grass blades further than a mower deck does by itself. The result is an intensified striping-effect because the blades now reflect light at a greater angle. These bristles are flexible to accommodate varying ground heights and avoid scalping or berming when making turns. Additionally, their strong, yet lightweight.